Saturday, November 7, 2020

Water is Money

Religion is an ancient science. Modern science reforms existing religions. 

In Vedic science, an analogy is made between an Administrator and the Sun.  

Our Sun, with its heat and evaporation, collects water and stores it in form of clouds. The clouds on getting saturated forms rain. The place with good (well distributed and moderate) rainfall has good agricultural economy. While low and very high rainfall disturbs the agricultural economy due to droughts and floods. 

Like Sun, an Administrator collects tax from its people, stores it in the banks and redistributes it to the people who needs funding and financial motivations. 

Besides Agricultural economy, Mining forms another important economy. Gathering and Hunting forms uncivilized economy. Agriculture based economy is best for a developed civilization. 

An Administrator develops ponds and irrigation channels to balance the effects of droughts and floods. 

Like a person hiding there income from society and the administrator  often becomes rich, a farmer hiding its water storage from the Sun by covering there pond with dense plants also becomes rich.

This farm pond needs to be covered with dense crops.

Vedic science refers Money to be the daughter of an Administrator. This is true in many respect, as all country have there own currency, whose value is protected by its administrator.  Also an administrator is cautious or protective in giving its money beyond its vote bank/administrative boundaries. 

So we can Say that Water is Money!

Space administrators and scientists, spends lots of money in sending water to the space stations and exploring places beyond Earth with water that can sustain life and future civilizations. 

Also the property having good rainfall and water management structures have very high price. Many governments started selling bottled/packaged water for getting good income. 

I had silent motivation that got ignited by a video presentation from NASA that asked citizens to measure there rainfall data and submit it to the space scientists to verify and apply the data to the satellites involved in weather research. 
So I have made an arrangement to measure my region's rainfall data and present it to the Space scientists. I hope I will get good monetary motivations for my work. 

The Rain gauge should be placed inside a dug pit in the soil, for more then half of its length inside the soil, otherwise high wind velocity and animals may displace it. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Agriculture and Attitude

Agricultural practices depends on Tradition, Availability of land for farming,budget/capital, availability of labor, water and attitude of the farmer. 
In a rich family, we often see one child policy and devotion of full time and resources to him/her. While a poor family often have many children with parents negligence towards there education, insurance, investments, etc. 
While being in a corporate farm, I found the Chief to be very selective in crop selection, spacing, fertigation, weed removal, etc. They had enough land, labor, capital and other resources. I had the opinion that dependence on one crop is risky and focus should be on land resource utilization. In this the inter-crops should be allowed or else the weed removed should be sold as a feed or composted or used in some other farming activity. But when a crop has good market demand, the farmer's focused attention is on that crop and he/she will not like to divert the resource and attention to other crops. 
Market driven farming is one thing while farming for personal need, seed, nursery, research, hobby, environmental concerns, etc. is another thing. In a given agro-climatic location a plants survival and production status can be very well, but if the market demand is not favoring the crop, than it becomes a weed. A farmer's attitude and "whims and fancy" has also huge impact on considering a plant to be a crop or a weed. 
Food processing and mixed farming can make a weed or a crop with a high production but poor market demand, to get converted into a product with high market demand. In this the conversion into alcohol is often tried, but some Governments ban on alcohol, hampers such processing. Conversion of a crop into energy rich fuel, medicine or other items with high shelf life is often followed. 
Communication and marketing evaluates and creates demands. Packing,Transport and financial liquidity in transaction, helps to meet the customers requirement. Mixed farming with crops, cattle, Apiculture, Mushroom, other economically important animals like, poultry, fish, dog, etc. helps the farmer to realize in capturing different markets and meet his/her nutritional and security requirements.